Dairy Farming

About AKI Institute of Agricultural Economics

The Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft. (AKI), as the main research and knowledge center of agricultural economics in Hungary, plays a key role in the dissemination of information between the governmental institutions and the market stakeholders. Its principal tasks are data and information management, and based on this, carrying out policy analysis-driven and practice-oriented research on farming, the agri-food supply chain, environmental management and rural development. Taking sustainable development goals into account, AKI assists the fine tuning of national policy regulation systems in relation to sustainable, low emission and cost-effective operation of livestock farms.

In the frame of ET4D, AKI will be involved in WP1 (dependable wireless connectivity for farms), WP2 (experimentation sites), WP3 (Application data) and WP5 (dissemination, exploitation and communication). AKI will assess the already deployed ICT equipments at the selected study farm, select a suitable dairy farm site in Hungary and help the installation and maintenance of the measurement device in that farm during the project period. In addition, AKI will contribute with designing and conducting social science research to define the different information need of selected dairy supply chain participant groups about dairy products to make business/purchasing decision. It will carry out assessments based on quantitative and qualitative research methods (surveys with structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews) among preferred stakeholders of Hungarian dairy supply chain. AKI will actively take part in the activities of dissemination, communication and exploitation of project results. 

National Funding Organisations